Erectile dysfunction


It's more than just a personal issue - it's a global health concern with a high prevalence and incidence rate that can reach as high as 50%. The condition is not limited to the older population either, with early onset erectile dysfunction before the age of 40 showing a significant increase. The causes of erectile dysfunction are multifaceted and often interlinked with other health conditions. Common risk factors include age, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise, and smoking. Additionally, treatments for other health conditions such as pelvic surgery/radiotherapy and treatments for prostate or bladder cancer can also contribute to erectile dysfunction.


Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive and personalized approach. Management typically begins with lifestyle modifications aimed at mitigating the risk factors. These include healthier eating habits, regular physical activity, cessation of smoking, and other positive changes. Pharmacotherapy is another common treatment, deployed to manage symptoms and improve sexual function. Regenerative treatments such as shockwave therapy and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy offer innovative, non-invasive options for treatment. In cases where these treatments are insufficient or the condition is advanced, the implantation of a penile prosthesis may be considered. In the face of erectile dysfunction, we're not just treating a condition - we're helping individuals regain their confidence, intimacy, and quality of life.


What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is when you are either:

  • unable to get an erection
  • unable to keep an erection for long enough to have sex

Depending on the cause, you may still be able to get an erection at other times, such as when you wake up.

What are the types of erectile dysfunction?

  • Vascular erectile dysfunction. Vascular ED includes causes that affect the blood vessels that send blood to the tissues in your penis that allow you to get and maintain an erection, or the valves in the penis that normally hold blood inside. Vascular ED is the most common type of ED.
  • Neurogenic erectile dysfunction. Neurogenic ED occurs as a result of nerve problems, which prevent signals from travelling from your brain to your penis to create an erection. 
  • Hormonal erectile dysfunction. Hormonal ED refers to ED that happens as a result of testosterone deficiency, or in some cases as a result of thyroid issues.
  • Psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Psychogenic ED involves psychological conditions that can cause ED.
  • Iatrogenic erectile dysfunction.Certain medications like some antihypertensives,antidepressants,antipsychotics etc can cause or aggravate erectile problems.
  • Substance abuse erectile dysfunction.Alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, opioids etc can cause or make erectile dysfunction worse.

What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction symptoms include:

  • Only sometimes being able to get an erection before sexual intercourse.
  • Being able to get an erection before sexual intercourse but not being able to maintain it during sexual intercourse.
  • Complete inability to get an erection.
  • Requiring a lot of stimulation to maintain an erection.

Who is at greater risk of erectile dysfunction?

  • Men who are 40 or older.
  • Have diabetes.
  • Have a body mass index (BMI) over 25.
  • Have depression.
  • Are physically inactive.
  • Smoke.

Can erectile dysfunction be caused by stress?

Stress can cause erectile dysfunction whereby you struggle to get or keep an erection. Opting for ways to tackle your stress can have positive results.

How does erectile dysfunction make a man feel?

Psychologically, ED can make a person feel embarrassed, ashamed, and frustrated. It may lead to depression, anxiety, and self-esteem problems if it goes untreated.

Can erectile dysfunction clear up on its own?

And erectile dysfunction is unlikely to resolve without some treatment or lifestyle changes. You should definitely see a Urologist about this condition.

Can ED be prevented?

Certain lifestyle changes can help lower your risk of developing erectile dysfunction, including:

  • Reducing your cholesterol.
  • Being more physically active, especially doing cardiovascular exercises like running, jogging or bicycling.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight for you.
  • Getting high-quality sleep.
  • Eating healthy foods with low saturated fats, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Stopping smoking.
  • Reducing or stopping drinking.

What is the best way to fix erectile dysfunction?

The first step in treating erectile dysfunction is identifying the underlying cause. Treatment options may include:

  • Cardiovascular exercise. Vigorous cardiovascular exercise for at least 45 minutes three times per week may help reverse some cases of mild ED.
  • Quitting smoking. For men with mild ED, quitting smoking can lead to improvement after several months.
  • Talking to a sex therapist if psychologic or psychosexual issues are identified.
  • Oral medications that help increase blood flow to your penis.
  • Penile low-intensity focused shockwave therapy (LiSWT). This noninvasive treatment improves blood flow by using sound waves.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection. This is directly injected in the erectile bodies to help reduce chronic inflammation and restore the damage to the blood vessels.
  • Medications you inject directly into your penis to create an erection.
  • Vacuum constriction device (penis pump). 
  • Testosterone replacement therapy when the patient has low testosterone.
  • Penile implant surgery. A penile implant is a procedure in which a surgeon places a device into your penis to make it hard.
  • BOTOX injection to the erectile bodies: This treatment is the newest modality we have in ED management, with excellent results even in very difficult cases.

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