Penile curvature


It's a condition that often goes unnoticed and under-diagnosed, despite its prevalence rates ranging from 0.4% to 20%. Interestingly, these rates are significantly higher in patients suffering from erectile dysfunction and diabetes. Peyronie’s disease, a common cause of penile curvature, typically manifests in men between the ages of 50 and 60. The main symptom is a noticeable curvature of the penis during erection, which can affect sexual activity and quality of life.


Addressing this condition requires a measured and individualized approach. Management is initially conservative, often starting with oral or local pharmacotherapy to alleviate the symptoms and stabilise or even reduce the curvature. Traction devices and shockwave therapy are also employed during the early stages, offering non-invasive treatment options. However, if the disease progresses to a point where the curvature impedes sexual activity, surgical intervention may be necessary. This step is generally considered once the disease has stabilised, to ensure the most effective and lasting results. In the face of penile curvature, we're not just treating a physical condition - we're working to restore confidence, sexual health, and overall wellbeing.


Is it normal to have penile curvature?

It’s common for the penis to curve slightly to the left or right when it’s erect. But if you have a more significant bend in your penis, which may cause you pain or difficulty having sex, see your urologist. These can sometimes be symptoms of Peyronie’s disease.

How much bend is considered abnormal?

A penile curvature of fewer than 30 degrees is not something to worry about unless it causes you symptoms. However, if your curve is greater than this, you may have a condition called Peyronie’s disease.

What are the types of penile curvature?

Types of penile curvature include:

  • Congenital penile curvature. A chordee is penile curvature that’s present at birth. Most people don’t notice they have congenital penile curvature until they go through puberty.
  • Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is when scar tissue causes your penis to bend later in life.

Can penile curvature be fixed?

Your treatment options may include:

  • Traction therapy. Traction therapy uses an external device — such as a vacuum erection device or traction device to gently stretch your penis or bend it in the opposite direction of the curve. You may need to use the device for several months.
  • Medications. Your urologist may inject a medication directly into your penis that helps break down scar tissue. They may also prescribe oral medications that you take by mouth that help improve blood flow to your penis.
  • Surgery. A surgeon may remove scar tissue or use stitches to reduce the curve.

What are the symptoms of penile curvature?

The main symptom of penile curvature is a curve or bend in your penis.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Your penis appears to twist or rotate.
  • Lumps in your penis.
  • A loss of length in your erect penis.
  • Loss of girth in your penis shaft. Your shaft may look like it has an indent or an hourglass shape.
  • Difficulty getting or keeping an erection.
  • Your erection is not as hard as it used to be.
  • Pain when you have an erection.
  • Pain or difficulty while having sexual intercourse.

What triggers Peyronie's disease?

The most popular theory today is that Peyronie’s disease is induced by trauma. The trauma may be acute and distinct such as a penile fracture, but more often it is chronic and low grade, such as repeated attempts of sexual intercourse with weak or incomplete erections.

How can you prevent Peyronie's disease?

There are no guaranteed suggestions for how to prevent Peyronie’s disease. We actually do not have a clear insight on what exactly causes it.

What are the stages of Peyronie's disease?

  • Acute Peyronie’s disease. The acute stage lasts between six and 12 months. During this period, a scar forms under the skin of your penis, causing it to curve or change its shape.
  • Chronic Peyronie’s disease. The scar is no longer growing during the chronic stage.


Does penile curvature affect my fertility?

No, penile curvature won’t affect your ability to have a biological child.

Does penile curvature affect length?

A curved penis has a short and a long side. If an attempt is made to straighten it by shortening the longer side, this may occasionally not be satisfactory, because a decrease in final penile length may result. This decrease is proportional to the degree of penile curvature.

Can I live with Peyronie's disease?

If Peyronie’s disease is left untreated, the reality is that 10-12% of men will have some spontaneous improvement in their condition, while the remaining 80-90% patients are divided in half: either experiencing no change or experiencing worsened symptoms.It can also cause long-term problems when it comes to sexual satisfaction, stress, anxiety and penile pain.

Will penile curvature go away?

In most people with the condition, it will remain as it is or may get slightly worse early on. Early treatment soon after you get the condition may keep it from getting worse or even improve symptoms. Even if you’ve had Peyronie disease for some time, treatment may help ease symptoms such as pain, curving and shortening.

Can you stretch out Peyronie's?

Stretching and massage also play a crucial role in the treatment of Peyronie’s disease. These techniques can help reduce the curvature of the penis and soften the plaque. Stretching exercises, specifically, have shown promising results.

How do you fix Peyronie's curve?

Surgery has been shown to be the most effective treatment for Peyronie’s disease in correcting the curvature of the penis when the condition is in its chronic phase.During the acute phase attempts are initially towards stabilising the curvature and when possible to improve it. In any case the earlier the patient seeks medical advice ,the more likely it is to achieve a good result.

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