Delayed ejaculation


It's a condition that may seem less prevalent, impacting around 3% of sexually active men. However, its influence on sexual health and relationships can be significant. The aetiology of this condition is diverse and often complex, involving psychological, organic, and pharmacological factors. Psychological factors can include mental stress, anxiety, or other emotional issues. Organic causes may span spinal cord injuries or nerve damage that directly affect the body's sexual response. Pharmacological factors often involve the use of certain medications such as antidepressants, antihypertensive drugs, or antipsychotics, which can interfere with normal sexual function.


Addressing delayed ejaculation requires a comprehensive approach. Management primarily involves psychological interventions aimed at resolving underlying emotional or psychological issues. Pharmacotherapy can also play a vital role, especially in cases where the condition is linked to other health issues or medication side effects. In the face of delayed ejaculation, we're not just treating a physical symptom - we're addressing a complex interplay of physical, psychological, and pharmacological factors, with a commitment to restoring sexual health and improving quality of life.


What is delayed ejaculation?

Delayed ejaculation is the inability to ejaculate at will, so that ejaculation takes much longer than desired or does not happen at all.

What causes delayed ejaculation?

Physical causes may include:

  • Nervous system conditions, such as stroke, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis. Nerve damage as a complication of diabetes and surgery.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Hypogonadism.
  • Medications, like antidepressants, or using street drugs.
  • Alcohol.
  • Ageing.

Psychological or emotional causes may include:

  • Feeling guilty about sex.
  • Relationship issues.
  • Being afraid of something, such as disease, pregnancy or hurting your partner.
  • Performance anxiety.
  • Pornography addiction.

Are there any tests needed to make the diagnosis of delayed ejaculation?

Laboratory tests are usually not needed unless your urologist suspects that there is an underlying health problem.

How can I prevent delayed ejaculation?

You can’t really prevent delayed ejaculation caused by nerve damage or ageing. You can, however, prevent problems caused by drinking excessively or abusing drugs.
If relationship issues with your partner are a factor in delayed ejaculation, try having an open conversation with them. Improving your relationship may help prevent delayed ejaculation from developing or from getting worse.

How do you manage delayed ejaculation?

Delayed ejaculation treatment depends on the underlying cause, but it might include taking medication or making changes to medications you currently take, undergoing psychological counselling, or addressing alcohol or illegal drug use.

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