

This condition is one of the most common, affecting men across all age groups. It's not discriminatory - it can impact anyone from the very young to the elderly. Its treatment commences with a medical approach, utilizing topical creams to alleviate the symptoms, if possible.


However, not all cases can be resolved with medication alone. In situations where topical treatments are insufficient, surgical intervention may be necessary. Circumcision or preputioplasty can effectively address the condition, providing lasting relief from symptoms. In the landscape of treating phimosis, we're not just treating a physical condition - we're helping individuals regain comfort and normal function. It's about restoring well-being and improving quality of life.


What is phimosis?

Phimosis is a condition of the penis that occurs in some adults and children who aren’t circumcised. If you have phimosis, your foreskin can’t be pulled back and it may look like your penis has rings around the tip.

What are the types of phimosis?

There are two types of phimosis: physiologic and pathologic. The physiologic type is associated with childhood and usually resolves as you age. The pathologic type is secondary to other conditions and affects adults

What are the symptoms of phimosis?

  • Redness or discoloration, which may occur when infected/irritated.
  • Swelling, which may occur when infected/irritated.
  • Soreness.
  • Pain while urinating.
  • In extreme cases, inability to urinate.
  • Pain with erections or with sexual activity.

What causes phimosis?

  • Poor hygiene. This could actually be a cause and a result of phimosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus and lichen sclerosus.
  • Preputial adhesions, or scar tissue, that keep the foreskin attached to the tip (glans) of your penis.
  • Injuries.
  • Infections, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

How is phimosis diagnosed?

Your Urologist  can diagnose phimosis during a physical examination and this in most cases is enough, occasionally you may need to do some further tests to rule out a sexually transmitted disease or diabetes.

How is phimosis treated?

Physiological phimosis (congenital) typically doesn’t need treatment. Usually, your child grows out of it.

Pathological phimosis, also called secondary phimosis, does need to be treated.

  • Initially your doctor may suggest using a steroid cream to apply to the skin of your penis.The downside of this is that once you stop using the cream the chance of recurrence is quite high.
  • You can also  start gently stretching the foreskin after about two weeks of using the steroid cream. You should stretch the skin very gently, pulling it back only as far as you can without putting on too much pressure .
  • The next step would be surgery. If conservative measures fail, then you have the option of a radical or partial circumcision ,or even preputioplasty. Before making such a decision your Urologist will guide you to the best solution for you.

Is there any benefit to circumcision apart from treating phimosis?

Male circumcision has been shown to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections and HIV transmission.

Do I need to stay in the hospital after a circumcision?

No, a few hours after your operation you can go home.

How long is the recovery period following a circumcision?

You will have to avoid strenuous physical activities for 10-15 days and sex for 3 weeks.

Are there any other reasons,apart from phimosis,for which I should have a circumcision?

Some people are having circumcision for religious reasons and this is done in childhood.Also if someone suffers from recurrent infections of the glans, even if there is no phimosis ,a circumcision is indicated. 

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